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Data & Privacy Practices

Learn about industry frameworks, your rights and the rights of your end users, and DIGIERTS policies

DIGIERTS Honors Global Privacy Laws and Requirements

Our pledge to you: With DIGIERTS products, your data always belongs to you. We do not leverage your data for unauthorised purposes or share your data without permission.


Notice to End Users

We maintain high standards in safeguarding the data of our clients and their end users. DIGIERTS defines privacy as the end user’s rights to receive notice, give consent, and opt-out of the collection, use, and sharing of data that is about or can identify that end user.

DIGIERTS provides end users notice through our privacy policy, which incorporates our Privacy Shield statement that describes how DIGIERTS processes both commercial and internal data.

End User Rights

DIGIERTS operates as a data processor acting at the direction of data controllers, and thus provides instruction to our clients and partners on how to carry out data subject requests.

System and Data Security

DIGIERTS is committed to the protection of our systems and your data. We are proud to incorporate SOC 1-level and SOC 2-level controls as criteria for measurement of DIGIERTS products and services. By relying on independent reviews of our SOC 1 Type II and SOC 2 Type II preparedness, DIGIERTS is following through on its commitment to develop the industry’s most trustworthy and transparent solution. SOC reports help companies maintain a proactive approach to managing risks, meet customer expectations, and build confidence and trust with our clients and end users.

For parties who received prior written and approved authorization, DIGIERTS supports responsible disclosure of security vulnerabilities. To report security-related issues, including possible security vulnerabilities, please contact [email protected]. DIGIERTS does not participate in “bug bounty” programs and does not allow security testing against DIGIERTS software, systems, or properties without prior written authorization by DIGIERTS.

Please contact [email protected] and [email protected] to learn more about DIGIERTS’s security policies and practices.


GDPR ePrivacy Certification

DIGIERTS’s performance marketing platform has been certified for compliance against GDPR under ePrivacy’s technical and legal standards. Visit ePrivacy’s site to learn more. DIGIERTS has implemented related product updates to meet our obligations as a data processor.

Visit DIGIERTS GDPR page to learn more.